sparkof is...

A leading entertainment and media company specialized in two business segments: Media and Live Events. In the media sector we own, executive produce or co-produce podcasts, video- podcasts and documentaries. We also own the monthly digital publication, Sparkof Magazine. In the live events sector, we provide production and promotion services to our clients. Our company creates and distribute intellectual property through our proprietary events portfolio. Some of our actual brands include Ciudad Sonido, Mojanolah, Vive Fest, Alegría Pa’l Pueblo, International Puerto Rico Tattoo Convention, and La X Live Series.

Sparkof Entertainment Group Corp. Since 2004 


People: “A world united”

Portfolio: Develop proprietary events and content that unify and connect different people with same interests. 

Partners: Create a winning network with customers and suppliers that together can create more value for people. 

Planet: We encourage our stakeholders to live, preserve and enjoy Mother Earth.

Profits: We evaluate short and long term risk and benefits. This balance help us sustain our growth and our decisions are relevant now and in the future.


Passion: Is the heart of our company

Diversity: we know it takes people with different ideas, backgrounds, strengths, and interests to make our company succeed. We encourage healthy debate and differences of opinion. 

Leadership: The attitude to create what’s next. 

Integrity: Be honest, ethical, and fair.